The brief guide to Law Firms and Lawyers in Brazil offering legal services, includes law firms to suit your business needs for legal services in Brazil.
Brazil's law firms in this page deal with a variety of legal issues.
Part of Brazil's law firms are related to international law firms.
All the web sites of law firms in Brazil are in English.
In general, you will have no problem in finding English speaking employees in Brazil's law firms in this site.
The directory includes:
Tax lawyers, Corporate lawyers, Business and Commerce lawyers, Banking and Finance lawyers, Real estate lawyers, Insurance lawyers and other legal issues lawyers.
Name | Address | Tel | Fax | Web Site | |
Almeida Law | Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1461 / 16 andar - Torre Sul - CEP 01452-002 - Sao Paulo | 55-11-6014-6900 | 55-11-6014-6901 | [email protected] | www.almeidalaw.com.br |
Bekin | Rua Arizona, 1349- 11 andar 04567-003- Sao Paulo/SP | 55-11-5505-8844 | 55-11-5505-9966 | www.bekinlaw.com | |
Cafaro | Rua Marina Cintra 68 CEP 01446-060 Sao Paulo | 55-11-3086-4800 | 55-11-30632373 | [email protected] | www.cafaro.com.br |
Fischer & Forster | Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhaes Junior, no. 110, CEP 04542-000 Sao Paulo/SP | 55-11-3457-5050 | 55-11-3457-5060 | [email protected] | www.fischerforster.com.br |
Lobo & Ibeas | Alameda Santos, 2224 6° floor CEP 01418-200 Sao Paulo | 55-11-3061-3088 | 55-11-3061-3637 | [email protected] | www.loboeibeas.com.br |
Miguel Neto Law Firm | Rua Guarapes 1909 1 7 8 9 e 10 andreas Brooklin 04561 004 Sau Paulo | 55-11-5502-1200 | 55-11-5505-5089 | [email protected] | www.miguelneto.com.br |
Mundie e Advogados | Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubistschek, 50-18 andar 04543-000 Sao Paulo | 55-11-3040-2900 | 55-11-3040-2940 | [email protected] | www.mundie.com.br |
Suchodolski Law Firm | [email protected] | www.suchodolski.com.br |
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