Bulgaria Territory & Population

The area of Bulgaria extends over 110,910 square kilometers.
Population growth in recent years has been negative with an average annual fall of 0.49%.
Bulgaria borders the Black Sea to the east while Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro form its western border with Greece and Turkey to the south and Rumania to the north.
The border with Rumania, the longest dry land border, is 608 kilometers while the shortest (148 kilometers) is the border with Macedonia.
The population of Bulgaria numbers some 6,714,560 and is comprised mainly of Bulgarians, approximately 84%, with some 9% of the population being Turks.
From the point of view of religion, some 87% are Eastern Orthodox; Muslims constitute some 13% of the population.
Bulgarian is the official language.
Population density is 81 per square meter compared with the EU average of 116 per square meter.
The percentage of the population under the age of 15 is approximately 15% while 17% is over the age of 65.