Cyprus Territory & Population

Cyprus, an island in the East Mediterranean, covers an area of some 9,250 square kilometers.
This area includes the Turkish Republic in Northern Cyprus with an area of some 3,335 square kilometers.
The dry land is divided into agricultural land of some 29.4% and built up areas of some 11.8%.
The Cypriot shore is approximately 648 kilometers long.
The increase in population growth in recent years is, on average, 0.6% per annum.
Over the sea, Cyprus is bordered by the following countries:
To the west - Rhodes (Greece)
To the east - Syria (at a distance of 105 km.)
To the north - Turkey (at a distance of 75 km.)
Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, after Sicily and Sardinia.
Cyprus is divided into 6 administrative regions.
The population of Cyprus was estimated (in the year 2025) at approximately 1,370,754.
Of these, some 78% are members of the Greek Orthodox Church and some 18% are Muslims.
The official languages are Greek and Turkish.
English is prevalent and is spoken fluently.
The density of population is 82 persons per square kilometer, compared to the EU average of 116 per square kilometer.