Denmark Tax Nes 2025
March 2025In 2025, Denmark intends to begin subjecting late payments/corrections for debts within tax accounts to only simple interest — i.e., interest on the accumulated interest from previous periods will no longer accrue and interest will accrue solely on the initial principal.
Corporate tax rate in Denmark 2023
June 2023Denmark corporate tax Rate remained unchanged at 22% in 2023.
The maximum rate was 50% and minimum was 22%.
Denmark France Tax Agreement
February 2022The two countries signed on February 4, 2022 a double tax agreement, DTA, aimed to boost bilateral business.
When in force the tax withholding rate for payments of dividends will be zero, when the recipient holds at least 10% of the paying company.
Otherwise the rate will be 15%.
Interest and royalties will be taxed in the recipient's resident country.
Denmark Corporate Income Tax Rate
January 2015Starting January 1, 2015 the Danish corporate income tax rate is reduced from previous 24.5% to 23.5%.
Denmark Corporate Tax Rate 2014
January 2014Starting January 1, 2014 the new corporate income tax rate in Denmark is 24.5% compared to the previous 25% rate.
The tax rate will be further reduced to 23.5% in 2015 and 22% in 2016.
Denmark Corporate Income Tax Cut
March 2013The Danish government plans to reduce the corporate income tax rate, currently 25%, by 1% in each of the years starting 2014 down to 22% in 2016.
The corporate income tax cut will be offset by increasing the payroll duty which is imposed on financial firms.
Denmark China New Tax Treaty
June 2012Denmark and China signed on June 16, 2012 a new protocol to the existing 1986 tax treaty between the two countries.
Denmark's New Fat Tax
October 2011Denmark has introduced a new fat tax.
The new tax is imposed on food containing more than 2.3% saturated fat, such as in butter, oil and processed food.
Danish officials hope that the new tax will help the Danes to eat healthier food.
Note: The information in this site is for general guidance only. Users of this site are advised to take professional advice before taking practical tax decisions.
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