What is exempt from VAT in the EU?
July 2023Some goods and services such as education, healthcare and financial services may be exempt from VAT.
These sales are exempt from VAT, without the 'right to deduct'.
This means you may not deduct the VAT you have paid on purchases related to such sales.
EU 15% Corporate Tax
December 2022The leaders of the EU confirmed on December 15, 2022 a minimum 15% corporate income tax rate on multinational companies.
The 15% minimum tax is aimed to prevent certain countries from attracting new big companies to be located in their countries offering a low tax rate.
he minimum 15% tax is expected to apply by the end of 2023.
France Referral to EU Court
June 2013France was referred on May 30, 2013 to the court of justice of the EU, CJEU.
According to the French tax laws accelerated depreciation is granted for investment in residential real estate in France which is leased for a minimum nine years period whereas such depreciation, allegedly discriminatory, is not granted to similar real estate abroad.
Euro 500bn Rescue Package
May 2010The EU finance ministers agreed on May 10, 2010 on a rescue package aimed to prevent Greece's debt crisis and protect the Euro currency which is in use in 16 countries.
EUR 500bn will be contributed by the EU while additional EU 250bn will be contributed by the IMF.
EU-Latvia V.A.T on Land for Construction
May 2009The European Commissin requested Latvia on May 14, 2009 to stop exempting from V.A.T. transactions involving land for construction.
The commission concluded that the Latvian legislation is not compatible with the EU Directive.
If Latvia does not comply within two months, the commission may bring the case before the European Court of Justice.
Source: http://ec.europa.eu/index_en.htm.
EU Reduced V.A.T. Rates
April 2009The European Economic and Financial Affairs Council, ECOFIN, reached an agreement on March 10, 2009 regarding the use of reduced V.A.T. rates in certain sectors.
The ECOFIN agreed that all member states should have the option to apply reduced V.A.T. rates on a permanent basis regarding, inter-alia, minor repairs of bicycles, shoes and leather goods, window cleaning, domestic care services, hairdressing, restaurant services and sale all types of books.
The ECOFIN also allowed Portugal to apply reduced V.A.T. rates for tolls on bridges in Lisbon area and Cyprus to apply reduced V.A.T. rates to LPG in cylinders.
For more detailed info please visit www.consilium.europa.eu/Newsroom
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