Georgia Poland Tax Agreement
May 2023The updated 2021 double tax agreement, DTA, between Georgia and Poland entered into force on April 1, 2023 applying from January 1, 2024.
The DTA is expected to boost the bilateral economic relations between the two countries.
According to the DTA there will be a flat 5% tax withholding rate for payments of dividends, interest and royalties.
Georgia Hong Kong Tax Agreement
September 2021The double tax agreement, DTA, signed between Georgia and Hong Kong in October 2020 entered into force on July 1, 2021.
According to the DTA there is a flat tax withholding rate of 5% for payments of dividends, interest and royalties.
Georgia Cyprus Tax Treaty
May 2015Georgia and Cyprus signed on May 18, 2015 a double tax treaty, DTA, between the two countries.
The DTA will enter into force on January 1, 2016 after being ratified by both countries.
Georgia Tax Rates 2012
February 2012The personal income tax rate for 2012 is a flat 20% for employment and business income. The corporate income tax rate is 15%. The standard V.A.T. rate is 18%.Businesses with income exceeding GEL 100,000 have to register for V.A.T. purposes.
Georgia Switzerland DTA Entry into Force
August 2011The DTA between the two countries on taxes on income and capital has entered into force.
The provisions of the DTA will apply to tax withheld on or after January 1 2012. And will apply to other taxes for tax years 2012 onwards.
Source: www.efd.admin.ch
Georgia Singapore Double Tax Treay Comes into Force
July 2010The double tax treaty, DTA, between Georgia and Singapore came into force on June 28, 2010.
The tax treaty encourages cross-border trade and investments by providing greater clarity on taxing rights and reducing double taxation.
The DTA includes provisions on exemption from witholding taxes for dividends, interest and royalties.
Source : www.iras.gov.sg
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