Economic forecast for Hungary in 2023
September 2018The rate of GDP in Hungary is expected to reach 180.04 USD Billion bythe end of 2023. In the long-term, the Hungary GDP rate is projected to trend around 186.52 USD Billion in 2024 and 192.12 USD Billion in 2025.
Hungary August Inflation
September 2018According to the Hungarian central statistical office the consumer prices in August 2018 rose in average by 3.4% compared to August 2017.
Food prices rose by 4.1%while motor fuel rose by 16.3%. Electricity prices rose in this period by only 1.6%.
Hungary 5.6% Inflation Rate
July 2012The Hungarian statistical office released on July 11, 2012 preliminary data regarding June's inflation.
The inflation in June 2012 increased by 5.6% compared to June 2011 and by 0.1% compared to May 2012.
More info: www.ksh.hu
Hungary's Credit Rating Downgrade
November 2011Moody's credit rating agency downgraded on November 24 Hungary's credit rating to junk, from previous Baa3 to Ba1 ,with a negative outlook for the Hungarian economy.
Fitch Cuts Hungary's Rating
December 2010Fitch credit rating agency downgraded on December 23 Hungary's long term foreign currency credit by one notch, from BBB to BBB-, just one level above "junk" status.
The downgrade could harm Hungary's ability to get loans in the international market.
Fitch is worried from the medium term economic plans and describes the government forecast of 5% growth in 2013 as "optimistic".
Fitch's outlook remains negative, joining the two other credit rating agencies.
The Hungarian public debt is about 80% of the GDP the highest among the eastern EU members.
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