Lithuania Inheritance Tax:
- Inheritances are taxable in Lithuania.
- The tax on an inheritance is applicable when the heir is a Lithuanian resident or when the asset is located in Lithuania.
- The rate of tax is 5% if the value of the asset is less than LT EU 150,000. If the value of the asset exceeds that sum, tax is payable at the rate of 10%.
- There is an exemption from tax if the transfer is made between parents and children, between one spouse and another, as well as inheritances received by a spouse, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters.
- When the value of the asset in an inheritance is less than EU 3,000, it is exempt from tax.
Lithuania Immovable Property Tax
- From 1.1.2012 individuals in Lithuania pay 0.5% on their immovable property with value exceeding EU 150,000.
There are progressive rates of 1% and 2% for assets exceeding EU 150,000.
The immovable properties of parents and children under 18 are treated as one unit for tax purpose.
Lithuania Gift Acquisition Tax
- The 15% tax rate is imposed on individuals on gifts valued above EU 2,500.
- The tax is not imposed on gifts from close relatives .
Note: The information in this site is for general guidance only. Users of this site are advised to take professional advice before taking practical tax decisions.
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