Poland Territory & Population

Poland Territory
Poland covers an area of 312,683 square kilometers.Administratively, the State is divided into 16 regions.
Poland's neighbors are: to the west - Germany, to the east - Russia, Lithuania and Ukraine and to the south, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The Baltic Sea lies on the northern coast.
Poland Population (as estimated in 2023)
Poland has a population of some 41.48 million with approximately 62% being urban dwellers.In recent years, about 100,000 people on average move from rural to urban areas in each year, as distinct from the seventies in which the rate of transfer was significantly higher.
From an ethnic point of view, the population is homogenous with some 98% of them being Polish, in contrast to the situation before the Second World War when around 4 - 5 million Ukrainians and 3 million Jews were living in Poland.
The Jewish population was, on the whole, destroyed in the World War, with most of the few who survived leaving for the west after the War.
The Ukrainian population was partially included in those areas of Poland that were annexed to the USSR
At present there are some 12 million Poles living outside Poland, the greater part, about 5.6 million in the United States with large concentrations of close to a million in each of the following countries: Germany, France and Canada.
Approximately 90% of the population are Roman Catholic.
The natural population growth is almost zero and is not noticeable as the years pass.