Slovakia Historical Review
Year | Event |
1526 | As a result of the fall of Hungary to the Ottomans, Bratislava becomes the capital of Hungary. |
1867 | The foundation of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Slovakia joins the Hungarian sector. |
1918 | As a result of the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the First World War, a new country is born - Czechoslovakia. |
1939 | Slovakia is proclaimed an independent state headed by Jozef Tiso. Slovakia is conquered by Germany and becomes a German ally. |
1940 | Slovakia declares war on the United States and Britain. |
1944 | Some 70,000 people, most of them Slovak Jews, are sent to concentration camps. |
1945 | Czechoslovakia is founded once again as a two nation state. |
1968 |
The Slovak, Alexander Dubcek, is elected as President of Czechoslovakia. His liberal policies result in the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia. Dubcek is ousted and another Slovak, Husak Gostav, replaces him. |
1989 | The Velvet Revolution. Vaclev Havel, is appointed President of Czechoslovakia. |
1992 | Meciar is appointed Prime Minister of the Slovak section. |
1993 | Czechoslovakia breaks into two. Slovakia becomes an independent republic. |
1994 | Meciar returns to the head of the government. Corruption and persecution of the Hungarian minority isolate Slovakia from the western world. |
1998 | Meciar is ousted; the new Prime Minister is Dzurinda. |
1999 | Schuster is appointed as President of the Republic. |
2000 | Slovakia joins the OECD and is invited to start the process for entry to the EU. |
2001 | The EU declares 2004 as the year in which Slovakia will joint the Union. |
2002 | The right wing vindicated the victory, Dzurinda remained the Prime Minister. |
2004 | Slovakia joined NATO. |
2004 | Slovakia joined European Union. |
2006 | The left wing won the elections, the new Prime Minister is Fico. |
2009 | Slovakia became a member of Euro Zone and adopted Euro as its currency. |
2010 | The right wing won the elections, the new Prime Minister is Radicova, first woman in the history. |