Slovakia Territory & Population

Slovakia Territory & Population
Slovakia extends over 49,035 square kilometers.For the sake of comparison, that is the size of New Jersey and New Hampshire together.
Population growth in recent years has been comparatively low with an average annual growth of only 0.07%.
The population is relatively young: only 11.5% of the population is over the age of 65.
Slovakia borders
Slovakia borders on the following countries:To the west - Czech Republic and Austria.
To the east - Ukraine.
To the north - Czech Republic and Poland.
To the south - Hungary.
The longest border is with Hungary - 679 kilometers.
The shortest border is with Ukraine - 98 kilometers.
Slovakia population
The population of Slovakia numbers approximately 5,795,199 of whom some 85% are Slovak and 10.8% are Hungarian.There are Czech and Romanian minorities.
From the religious aspect, approximately 60% are Roman Catholics, 6.2% are Protestants, and 9.7% are atheists.
Slovak, which is in principle similar to Czech, is the official language. Some sections of the population have good command of Russian and German.
Use of English is common among the younger generation.