Slovenia V.A.T. Update 2020
January 2020Starting January 1, 2020 there is a reduced 5% V.A.T. rate, compared to the previous 22% rate for electronic newspapers and e-books.
Slovenia Corporate Tax 2017
April 2017Starting January 1, 2017 the new corporate income tax rate in Slovenia is 19% increased from 17% in 2016.
Slovenia Tax Rates 2016
May 2016There are no significant changes in Slovenia 2016 tax rates compared to 2015.
The personal income tax rates are 16% to 50%.
The corporate income tax rate remains at 17%.
Slovenia Tax Rates 2013
July 2013The Slovenian corporate income tax rate in 2013 is 17% . Personal income tax rates are progressive ranging from 16% to 50%.
The 16% rate is imposed on income up to EUR 7,841, the 27% rate applies to additional income up to EUR 18,534, the 41% rate applies to additional income of up to EUR 69,313 and 50% applies for income exceeding EUR 69,313.
Capital gain tax of companies is generally added to the regular income with reductions and exemptions in certain cases.
Capital gain of individuals is 25% with an annual 10% reduction for each year following the first five years and 5% reduction for each year following the first ten years.
Social security contributions are 16/1% for employers and 22.1% for employees.
Slovenia V.A.T. Rise
June 2013Starting July 1, 2013 the standard V.A.T. rate in Slovenia would rise from the current 20% rate to 22%.
The reduced V.A.T. rate would also rise from the current 8.5% rate to 9.5%.
Slovenia New 17% Corporate Tax
January 2013Starting January 2013 the Slovenian corporate income tax rate is reduced to 17% compared to the previous 18% rate.
The tax rate will be reduced by 1% in the two following years down to 15% in 2015.
Slovenia New Personal Tax Rates
June 2012The Slovenian parliament adopted new tax rates applying from January 1, 2013.
The basic tax rates of 16% , 27% and 41% remain unchanged but there are higher tax brackets.
In addition there is a new 50% tax rate which applies in 2013 and 2014 to annual income exceeding EUR 69,313. June 2012.
Slovenia New 18% Corporate Tax Rate
May 2012The Slovenian corporate income tax rate for 2012 was reduced on April 27, 2012 from the previous 20% rate to 18%.
The corporate income tax rate would be reduced by 1% in each of the next three years down to 15% in 2015.
Slovenia Tax Rates 2012
March 2012There are no significant changes 1n the 2012 Slovenian tax rates compared to 2011.
The personal income tax rates in 2012 are 16%-41%. The corporate income tax rate is 20%.
The standard VAT rate in 2012 is 20%. The is also a reduced 8.5% VAT rate..
Slovenia to Join the OECD
May 2010Slovenia was invited on May 10, 2010 together with Israel and Estonia to join the OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
After the accession the OECD member states will increase to 34.
The official accession ceremony will be held in Paris on May 27, 2010.
Slovenia Tax Rates 2008
March 2008In 2008 the Slovenian corporate tax rate is 22%, compared to 23% in 2007.
The corporate tax rate would go down to 21% in 2009 and 20% in 2010.
Personal income tax rates are progressive, from 16% to 41%.
The standard VAT rate for 2008 is 20%, same as in 2007. There is also a reduced VAT rate of 8.5%.
Slovenia Income Tax
January 2006From 1.1.2006 the new payroll tax rates are 3%-11.8%(2005 rates 3.8%-14.8%).
Tax rates for individuals and companies are the same as in 2005.
Slovenia Income tax
January 2006Taxes-From 1.1.2004 the new corporate income tax rate in Slovenia is 19.5%(previous rate-23.5%)
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