Switzerland Angola Tax Agreement
January 2024Switzerland and Angola signed on December 1, 2023 a double tax agreement, DTA, aimed to boost the economic relations between the two countries.
When in force the tax withholding rates according to the DTA will be 5% or 15% for dividends, depending on the percentage of holding in the paying company's share capital.
The withholding rate for payment of interest will be 0% or 7%.
For payment of royalties the rate will be 5%.
Switzerland Ethiopia Tax Agreement
September 2023The 2021 double tax agreement, DTA, between Switzerland and Ethiopia entered into force on August 10, 2023.
According to the DTA the tax withholding rates for payment of dividends are 5%/15%, depending on the percentage of shareholding in the paying company.
The tax withholding rate for payment of interest and royalties is 5%.
Swiss voters back minimum tax on multinational earnings
June 2023Citizens have massively approved a new minimum tax rate of 15% on big international firms.
Critics aren’t convinced that the measure will help to redress global tax injustices.
The Swiss citizens extent was overwhelming: final results on Sunday showed an approval rate of 78.5%, the sixth-highest in the past 20 years for a popular vote.
All 26 Swiss cantons came out in favour. Turnout was 41.9%.
Switzerland Japan Tax Agreement
December 2022The updated 2021 double tax agreement, DTA, between Switzerland and Japan entered into force on November 30, 2022 applying from January 1, 2023.
According to the DTA the tax withholding rates for payments of dividends are 0%/10% depending on the percentage of holding in the paying company share capital.
The tax withholding rates for payments of interest are 0%/10%.
Swiss V.A.T. Refund
May 2021The Swiss Federal Tax Administration announced that starting April 7, 2021 the V.A.T. refund period for payers with a credit balance is shortened to 30 days, compared to the previous refund period of 60 days.
A delay of refunding of more than 60 days from the day of filing the V.A.T report will carry interest.
Switzerland Pakistan Tax Treaty
December 2018The double tax treaty, DTA, which was signed by both countries in March 2017 entered into force on November 29, 2018 applying from January 1, 2019.
According to the DTA the tax withholding rates for dividends are 10%/20% depending on the percentage of holding by the recipient. The withholding rate for payments of interest and royalties is 10%.
Switzerland V.A.T. Rates
January 2018Starting January 1, 2018 the standard V.A.T. rate is 7.7%.
There is also a 3.7% rate for hotels and a 2.5% rate which applies to e-books and e-newspapers.
Switzerland V.A.T. Update
October 2017Starting January 1, 2018 the standard V.A,T, rate in Switzerland will be reduced from the current 8% rate to 7.7%.
The special V.A.T. rate will be also reduced, from the current 3.8% rate to 3.7%.
Switzerland Belgium tax treaty
August 2017The 2014 protocol to the previous double tax treaty, DTA, entered into force on July 19, 2017 applying from January 1, 2018.
According to the DTA the tax withholding rates will be 0%/15% for payment of dividends and 0%/10% for payment of interest.
Switzerland Estonia Double Tax Treaty
January 2016The 2014 double tax treaty, DTA, between the two countries applies from January 1, 2016.
According to the DTA the tax withholding rate for payment of dividends will be 0%/10% depending on the percentage of holding by the recipient company.
Payments of interest and royalties will be taxed only in the residence country of the recipient side.
Switzerland China Tax Treaty
October 2013Switzerland and China signed on September 25, 2013 a new protocol replacing the existing 1990 double tax treaty between the two countries.
According to the tax treaty the tax withholding rate for payments of dividends is 0%/5%/10%.
The tax withholding rate for interest is 10%.
For royalties the rate is 9%. The new tax treaty has yet to be ratified by the parliaments of both countries.
In general double tax treaties between two countries are boosting mutual investments between the countries offering reduced tax withholding rates from payments of dividends, interest and royalties.
The tax treaty often includes an exchange of tax information clause and definition of a permanent establishment for activities carried in the other country.
It also clarifies certain cross border tax issues.
E.g the treaty would define in what country tax is to be paid when a service supplier/consultant from country A provides services in country B.
In some treaties there is a tax credit under certain terms. E.g. an exemption to a consultant from country A of X dollars per each day of staying in country B in order to supply the taxable services.
Switzerland China Tax Treaty
October 2013Switzerland and China signed on September 25, 2013 a new protocol replacing the existing 1990 double tax treaty between the two countries.
According to the tax treaty the tax withholding rate for payments of dividends is 0%/5%/10%.
The tax withholding rate for interest is 10%.
For royalties the rate is 9%. The new tax treaty has yet to be ratified by the parliaments of both countries.
In general double tax treaties between two countries are boosting mutual investments between the countries offering reduced tax withholding rates from payments of dividends, interest and royalties.
The tax treaty often includes an exchange of tax information clause and definition of a permanent establishment for activities carried in the other country.
It also clarifies certain cross border tax issues.
E.g the treaty would define in what country tax is to be paid when a service supplier/consultant from country A provides services in country B.
In some treaties there is a tax credit under certain terms. E.g. an exemption to a consultant from country A of X dollars per each day of staying in country B in order to supply the taxable services.
Switzerland Slovenia Revised Double Tax Treaty
September 2012Switzerland and Slovenia signed on September 7, 2012 a protocol amending the existing double tax treaty, DTA, between the countries.
The revised DTA includes inter-alia provisions on exchange of information in line with the OECD model.
According to the protocol the tax withholding for payment of dividends will not exceed 15% on gross dividends.
If a company holds at least 25% in the capital of the paying company the dividends will be exempt from tax withholding.
Switzerland Portugal Revised Double Tax Treaty
July 2012Switzerland and Portugal signed on June 25, 2012 a protocol amending the existing 1974 double tax treaty, DTA, between the countries.
The protocol defines new reduced tax withholding rates from payments of dividends, interest and royalties and an exchange of tax information provision in line with the OECD model.
The new treaty will enter into force after being ratified by both countries.
Switzerland Ireland Revised Double Tax Treaty
February 2012Switzerland and Ireland signed on January 26, 2012 a new protocol amending the existing 1966 tax treaty and the 1980 protocol between the two countries. The new protocol which includes exchange of information provisions in line with the OECD model also includes reduced tax withholding rates for certain dividend income.
The new treaty has to be approved by both parliaments.
Switzerland Spain Revised DTA
August 2011Switzerland and Spain signed on July 27 a protocol amending the existing double tax treaty between the two countries in area of taxes on income and capital.
The revised DTA includes a comprehensive arbitration clause and provisions on exchange of tax information in line with international applicable standards.
Source: www.efd.admin.ch
Switzerland's 2011 V.A.T Rates
February 2011Starting January 1, 2011 the standard Swiss V.A.T. rate is 8% compared to the previous 7.6% rate.
The new reduced V.A.T. rate is 2.5%, compared to the previous 2.4%. The new super reduced V.A.T. rate is 3.8% ,compared to the previous 3.6% rate.
Switzerland New Social Security Rates
November 2010Starting January 1, 2011 there are some new/increased social security rates.
A new solidarity tax of 0.5% will be imposed on employment income between CHF 126,000 to CHF 315,000.
The contribution to military service and maternity leave will rise from the current 0.15% to 0.25%.
In addition the contribution to unemployment insurance will rise from 1% to 1.1% for income of up to CHF 126,000.
The new rates apply to employers and employees.
Switzerland Japan Revised DTA
May 2010Switzerland and Japan signed on May 21, 2010 a new protocol amending the existing DTA, double tax treaty, between the two countries.
The new protocol includes provisions on exchange of tax information in accordance with the OECD model and reduction/exemption in certain withholding taxes compared to the previous DTA. e.g. payment of dividend to a company holding at least 10% of the voting rights (previously 25% holding) will be subject to 5% withholding, compared to the previous 10% withholding rate.
More info: www.efd.admin.ch.
Switzerland Poland New Protocol to DTA
May 2010Switzerland and Poland signed on 20/4/2010 a protocol amending the existing double taxation agreement, DTA, between the two countries.
The protocol includes, inter alia, amending of the withholding tax rates for payments of interest, dividend and royaltis and provision for exchange of tax information in line with the OECD model.
In addition the definition of the 183 days residence test was amended.The new test applies to 183 days stay starting or ending in any fiscal year, compared to the previous test of staying 183 days during a calendar year.
Switzerland U.K. Revised Double Taxation Treaty
September 2009Switzerland and the U.K. signed on September 7, 2009 a new protocol amending the existing double taxation treaty, DTA, between the two countries in the area of taxes on income.
The amended DTA contains an extended administrative assistance clause in accordance with Art. 26 of the OECD model.
The DTA including the extended adminstrative clause is the sixth DTA signed by Switzerland, following agreements with Denmark, Luxembourg, France, Norway and Austria.
Source: Swiss Federal Department of Finance, FDF www.efd.admin.ch
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