Taiwan filing deadline for the 2022 income tax return is May 31, 2023
2023Considering that the severity of COVID-19 decreased, and the pandemic prevention measures had been relaxed, the Ministry of Finance made a public announcement that the filing period for the 2022 income tax return remains the statutory filing period for one month (from May 1 to May 31, 2023).
Taiwan Tax 2018
February 2018Starting January 1, 2018 the top marginal income tax rate for residents is reduced from previous 45% to 40%.
Certain deductions amounts for individuals, e.g. standard deduction and disability deduction are increased compared to 2017.
The corporate income tax rate is increased from previous 17% to 20%.The tax rate for undistributed income is reduced from 10% to 5%.
Taiwan's Reduced 17% Corporate Tax Rate
June 2010Taiwan's parliament approved on May 28, 2010 a new reduced 17% corporate income tax rate, compared to the previous 20% rate.The amendment takes retroactive effect from 1.1.2010.
The present cut follows a previous cut, about a year ago, from 25% to 20%.
Taiwan Israel Double Taxation Treaty
February 2010The double tax treaty between the two countries which was signed on 24/12/09 entered into force on January 1, 2010.
The double taxation treaty which is based on the OECD model includes, inter-alia ,maximum tax rates on certain income.
The maximum tax rate for dividends is 10%, 10% for interest (7% for interest paid to banks) and 10% for royalties.
The protocol includes a MFN, Most Favorable Nation directive.
According to the MFN directive if Taiwan signs a new tax treaty with any OECD country, imposing a lower rate than 10% on dividends and royalties, the new lower rate would be effective to Taiwan Israel tax treaty too.
Note: The information in this site is for general guidance only. Users of this site are advised to take professional advice before taking practical tax decisions.
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