Turkey Updates Individual Income Tax Brackets for 2023
January 2023up to TRY 70,000 - 15%
over TRY 70,000 up to 150,000 - 20%
over TRY 150,000 up to 550,000 - 27%
over TRY 550,000 up to 1,900,000 - 35%
over TRY 1,900,000 - 40%
Turkey V.A.T. Cut
February 2022The Turkish president Erdogan announced on February 12, 2022 that the V.A.T. rate on basic food products will be lowered from 8% to 1%, starting February 14, 2022.
The reduction relates to certain basic food products, including dairy products, vegetables and fruit.
Turkey Corporate Tax 2018
February 2018Starting January 1, 2018 the new corporate income tax rate is 22% compared to 20% in 2017.
The new increased rate will remain for the three years 2018 to 2010.
The rate will be reduced again to 20% in 2021.
Turkey Somalia Tax Treaty
June 2017Turkey and Somalia signed on June 3, 2017 a double tax treaty, DTA.
According to the DTA the tax withholding rates for dividends are 5%/15%, the lower applying when the recipient is a company with holding of 10% or more.
The withholding rates for interest and royalties are 10%.
Turkey Tax Rates 2012
May 2012There are no significant changes in Turkey's 2012 tax rates compared to 2011.
The corporate income tax rate in 2012 is 20% .Personal income tax rates vary from 15% to 35%.
The standard VAT rate in 2012 is 18%. There are also reduced VAT rates of 8% and 1%.
Turkey's Tax Amnesty
March 2011According to a new tax amnesty law effective February 2011 Turkish taxpayers can voluntarily submit a written application increasing their tax base in the years 2006 to 2009.
Such taxpayers will get immunity from further tax audit after paying an additional agreed tax.
The voluntary application has to be submitted to the Turkish tax office before May 31.
The additional tax due has to be paid by up to 18 installments.
Turkey Australia DTA
May 2010Turkey and Australia signed on April 28,2010 the first double taxation treaty.
For more details please see Turkey Australia DTA.
Turkey new Incentive Package
June 2009The Turkisk PM Erdogan unveiled on June 4, 2009 a new incentive package.
The incentive will apply to new investments launched by the end of 2010, granting reduced corporate tax rates, depending on the regional location.
Turkish regions are divided into four categories.
The first category includes most of the most developed regions in the west, while the fourth category includes the least developed regions in eastern and southern Turkey.
According to the incentive package the Turkish corporate income tax rate, currently 20%, will be reduced to 10% in regions located in the first categoery, 8% in the second category, 4% in the third category and 2% in the fourth category.
Turkey Tax Rates 2008
January 2008Turkey's tax rates for 2008 are similar to 2007 rates.
Turkey's corporate tax rate is 20%.Personal income tax rates in 2008 are 15%-35%, with slight changes in the tax brackets, compared to 2007.
The VAT rate in 2008 is 18%.
Turkey Income Taxes
May 2006The Turkish parliment approved a tax reform, effective from 1.1.2006
From 1.1.2006 the new Turkey corporate tax rate is 20% (previous rate-30%).
The new top marginal income tax rate for individuals is 35%.(previous rate-40%).
Turkey Corporate Tax
February 2006According to a draft proposal, Turkey's corporate tax rate would be reduced to 27% in 2006.
The proposal has not been approved yet.
Note: The information in this site is for general guidance only. Users of this site are advised to take professional advice before taking practical tax decisions.
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