UK Tax News

U.K. Romania Tax Agreement

December 2024
The previous 1975 double tax agreement, DTA, between the U.K. and Romania was updated on November 13, 2024.
According to the DTA the tax withholding rate for payments of dividends will be 0%/10%/15% depending inter alia on the percentage of holding in the paying company's share capital.
The withholding rate for payments of interest will be 0% /3%.
The withholding rate for royalties will be 0% /3% too.

U.K. Luxembourg Tax Agreement

December 2023
The 2022 double tax agreement, DTA, between the U.K. and Luxembourg was ratified by both countries, entering into force on November 22, 2023.
The DTA will be effective starting January 1, 2024 for withholding taxes in both countries.

U.K. Corporate Tax 2023

April 2023
According to the U.K. spring budget 2023 starting April 1, 2023 the new corporate income tax rate in the U.K. is 25% compared to the previous 19% rate.
The new 25% rate applies to companies with annual income exceeding GBP 250,000.
Companies with income of less than GBP 50,000 will pay the previous 19% rate.

U.K. Tax 2023

January 2023
Starting April 6, 2023 there will be some significant tax changes in the U.K.
The corporate income tax rate will rise from current 19% to 25% .The top 45% rate for individuals will be decreased from the present GBP 150,000 ceiling to GBP 125,140.
The tax free allowance for CGT, capital gains tax, will be reduced compared to the present allowance.

U.K. Corporate Tax Rise

November 2022
The British Chancellor Jeremy Hunt raised on November 17, 2022 the corporate tax on gas and oil earnings from 35% to 45%.
He also imposed a 45% levy on electricity generators.
The rise will be in force from January 2024 to March 2028 and is estimated to create an annual income of 14 billion pounds.
The new rise is aimed to face the recession.

U.K. Corporate Tax Rise

March 2021
The British Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced on his budget speech that the U.K. corporate income tax rate, currently 19%, will rise to 25% in 2023 with certain protection for small companies.
The chancellor also reported an additional 65 billion pounds corona support for businesses and employees.

U.K. Real Estate 3% Tax

November 2019
The conservative party announced its proposal to impose 3% tax on foreign residents buying real estate.
The new tax is aimed to calm the real estate prices in the U.K. and will apply only on properties in England, excluding other parts of the U.K.
The high levels of stamp duty are already imposed on buying a second home or buying homes for rental purpose.

U.K. 2018 Budget

November 2018
According to government's 2018 budget delivered on October 29, 2018 the U.K. corporate income tax rate will fall to 17% starting April 1, 2020.
As from that date a new digital services tax, DST, at the rate of 2% will be charged on digital revenue from British users.

U.K. Corporate tax

Jauary 2017
Starting April 1, 2017 the U.K. corporate income tax rate will be reduced to 19% compared to the current 20% rate.

U.K. Corporate Income Tax

July 2016
The British chancellor George Osborne announced in an interview to the financial times on July 4 that Britain will reduce the corporate income tax rate to below 15% compared to the current 20% rate.
The cut is aimed to encourage companies to operate in the U.K.
The new 15% rate would be the lowest rate in major economies.

U.K. Zambia Tax Treaty

August 2015
The double tax treaty, DTA, which was signed in 2014 entered into force on July 20, 2015 applying from January 1, 2016.
The tax withholding rates according to the DTA are 5%/15% for dividends, 10% for interest and 5% for royalties.

U.K. Corporate Income Taxes

April 2015
Starting April 1, 2015 the main corporate income tax rate is reduced from 21% to 20%.
In addition a new DPT, diverted profit tax of 25% is imposed on large multinational companies trying to shift their profits offshore.

U.K. V.A.T. on Digital Services

October 2014
The HMRC announced that starting October 20, 2014 suppliers of digital services to EU countries will be able to register to a new V.A.T. online service, MOSS, Mini One Stop Shop,.
The digital services generally relate to broadcasting, telecommunications and e-services.
After registration the suppliers will have to submit and pay a quarterly V.A.T report in the U.K. where the HMRC will send the payment and information to the relevant member states V.A.T. authorities.

UK 2014 Budget

March 2014
The UK budget was delivered by the chancellor of the exchequer on March 19, 2014 .The budget aims to promote further growth of the British economy including, inter-alia, lowering of the corporate income tax rate to 21% starting April 1, 2014.
The tax rate will be lowered to 20% starting April 1, 2015.

U.K. New Minimum Wage Rates

October 2013
Stating October 1, 2013 the new minimum wage rate for employees aged under 18 is increased to GBP 3.72 per hour.
Employees aged between 18-20 get a 5p rise to GBP 5.03 per hour .Those aged 21 and over get a rise of 12p to GBP 6.31 per hour.
The employment relations minister warned that employers' names failing to pay the new minimum rates will be published and exposed to the public damaging their reputation.

U.K. Netherlands Tax Treaties

June 2013
The UK and the Netherlands signed on June 12, 2013 two tax treaties. The first treaty is a protocol updating the existing 2008 double tax agreement, DTA, between the two countries.
The second agreement relates to bank taxes between the countries.
The agreements were signed by David Gauke MP, Exchequer Secretary to the treasury and Frans Weekers, state secretary of finance of the Netherlands.
The texts of both tax agreements is available on the HM Revenue& Customs website and will be published by the Stationery Office once they are presented to the parliament for approval.
Both tax treaties will enter into force after being ratified by the UK and the Netherlands.
In general double tax treaties between countries are expected to boost investments by both countries and simplify related tax issues.

U.K. Personal Income Tax Rates 2013- 14

April 2013
The U.K. HMRC released new rates and thresholds for employers in the tax year 2013- 14 applying from April 6, 2013 to April 5, 2014.
To read the update please visit

U.K. New 24% Corporate Income Tax Rate

April 2012
Starting April 1 2012 the new corporate income tax rate in the U.K. is 24% reduced from the previous 26% rate. The corporate income tax rate would be further reduced to 23% starting April 1 2013.

U.K. Online VAT Filing

March 2012
According to HMRC starting April 1 2012 all businesses, apart from a very small number will have to submit the VAT returns online and pay any VAT due electronically.
Most of the businesses have been required to do so since April 2010. The new guideline extends the requirement even to previous registered VAT payers who had an annual turnover exceeding GBP 100,000 before the year ending December 2009 and their future turnover drops below GBP 100,000.

HMRC Reminder for Online Tax Returns

December 2011
HMRC is reminding taxpayers filing their 2010/2011 tax returns online for the first time to get registered in good time before January 31, 2012 filing deadline.
The registration process, including getting an Activation Code takes up to ten days.
The deadline for paper tax returns has passed on October 2011.There are penalties for late filing, even if there is no tax to pay, starting at GBP 100.

UK V.A.T Tax Amnesty

July 2011
The British revenue and custom, HMRC, announced on July 5 a new V.A.T. amnesty for businesses who are not been registered yet for V.A.T purposes and have passed, or will pass soon the annual 2011-2012 threshold of GBP 73,000.
According to the proposed amnesty those who will come forward and register before September 30 with the HMRC will pay only additional 10% on their dues without additional penalties.

UK New 20% V.A.T. Rate

January 2011
Starting January 4, 2011 the new standard V.A.T. rate in the U.K. is 20%, an increase of 2.5 per cent compared to the previous 17.5% rate.
British retailers worry that the V.A.T rise would fuel inflation.

UK Increased Beer Tax

December 2010
The U.K. plans to impose additional tax on beer having above 7.5% alcohol by volume strength, at the same time tax on beer with low alcohol strength of 2.8% or less will be reduced.
The new tax which is expected to be in effect from autumn 2011 follows health researches regarding damages caused by high strength beer.

UK GDP up 0.4%

March 2010
The U.K. office for statistics announced on March 30, 2010 that the GDP in the fourth quarter of 2009 increases in 0.4%, revised from the 0.3% in the previous estimate.
The credit agency Standard & Poors, S&P ,warned that the U.K. cherished AAA credit rating could be downgraded in case of failing to cut the public debt by the U.K. government.
S&P would review the credit rating after the general elections expected in May.

UK New 17.5% V.A.T. Rate

January 2010
From 1.1.2010 the new standard V.A.T. rate in the U.K. is 17.5%, compared to the reduced rate of 15% since December 1, 2008.
From 1.1.2010 the stamp duty thresholds revert to the previous level.

UK 2009 Pre Budget Report

December 2009
The U.K. pre budget report published on December 9, 2009 includes some significant tax changes.
Personal income tax ratesfor the year 2010/2011 will remain the same as the 2009/10 rates for income up to GBP 150,000. A new 50% tax rate will be imposed on income exceeding GBP 150,000.
From 6.4..2010 dividend income will be taxed at 42.5%, compared to the current 32.5% rate.
From 31.8.2010 a new 50% payroll tax will be imposed on bonuses exceeding GBP 25,000 paid by banks.
From 1.1.2010 the standard V.A.T. rate will revert to 17.5%.

UK Extended Disclosure Opportunity

December 2009
The U.K. HMRC announced an extended deadline to the NDO, New Disclosure Opportunity, relating to taxpayers coming forward to make a full disclosure of undeclared offshore accounts and assets.
Acccording to the new deadlines taxpayers willing to take advantage of the NDO must register an intention on disclosure by 4 January, 2010.
The actual disclosure has to be made by 31 January for disclosure by paper, or by 12 March for electronic disclosure, facing a maximum 10% fine on unpaid taxes.
Those who do not choose the voluntary disclosure can face criminal charges and taxes of 30% -100% on unpaid tax.

HMRC Penalty Regime

April 2009
HMRC published a new one penalty system for inaccurate tax docouments and returns. The new system replaces the previous wide variety of penalties.
The new system relates to returns and documents for the period starting on or after 1.4.2008 that are due to be filed on or after 1.4.2009.
The tax returns include capital gain tax, construction industry scheme, corporate tax, income tax , national insurance, PAYE and VAT.
According to the new system if a taxpayer takes reasonable care to get his taxes right, he would not be penalised by HMRC.
Reasonable care includes keeping accurate records, checking the current position in doubtful cases and telling HMRC promptly about any error discovered.
You can find detailed info in HMRC site

UK Reduced HMRC Interest Rates

February 2009
HM Revenue & Customs, HMRC, confirmed on February 16, 2009 a cut in the interest rates relating to late payments and overpayments
. The reduced interest rates are effective from 16.2.2009.
The rate for unpaid payments of corporations tax is reduced from 2.5% to 2%.
The rate for overpaid corporation tax is reduced from 1.25% to 0.75%.
For more information please see

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